The main function of the Smart Card Verifier (SCV) is to verify that the parking
card has been paid. Upon inserting the parking card into SCV, the SCV will
verify with the CMS server whether the card has been paid. After the
verification, SCV will trigger the barrier to open and allow the visitor to exit
the car park.
The SCV can store up to 500 Mifare Classic cards per cartridge
and all cards can be recycled. The SCV is usually located at the Egress exit
area. The SCV system has an option to integrate and install a Season Pass
Reader for all season pass holders to tag at the reader and exit the car park.
There is also an option to integrate and install a camera to capture the driver
photo once the card had been verified. The SCV has an intercom system that
allows the visitor to communicate with the parking office in the event of any
error occurring at the exit area
Exit by dropping off mifare card into Smart Card Verifier
Discount validating can be linked to CMS or stand alone
Supports online or stand alone (offline) multiple-type operation
Exit payment can be verified at autopay station or central payment system
Allow to blacklist season pass holder for entry/exit
MaxPark, a recognized leader in parking management solutions in the Asia Pacific for over 30 years, is proud to be ISO 9001 certified. Additionally, we are certified TNG system integrators, ensuring top-quality service and expertise in our industry-leading solutions.